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NFABD Sign with Telbru for U16 Meet

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (11 April 2013) – Brunei’s premier telecommunication company Telbru, have signed up as the sponsor for the National FA of Brunei Darussalam (NFABD) National Youth League Under-16 Championship. “We in NFABD welcome the support provided by Telbru. Hopefully the support will continue for many years to come as it is very important…

PSSI Congress in June

JAKARTA (9 April 2013) – Following the successful hosting of the Extraordinary Congress last month which also received the thumbs up from FIFA president Sepp Blatter, the FA of Indonesia (PSSI) will have their Congress on 15 June 2013. This was decided by the meeting of the FIFA Exco today. ‪‪“The Exco have decided that…